Я постоянно танцую, ногами топаю, Трясу головой, руками вот так вот делаю! Да, я немного ебнутый, люди пугаются, Особенно если в общественном транспорте.
I'm just crazy about SIN CITY by Frank Miller.
At last I read all the comics.
There is too much I'd like to tell about it, but I won't, 'cos anybody won't understand my very deep feeling about it anyway. Sounds bitchy, I know - like everything in Sin City.
I feel so good and so bad at the same time after reading.
Jesus-Mary-Holy Ghoust, I wanna be part of it.
I don't want this summer heat, I want cold rain, and night, and long black coat, and some dangerous work, all alone.
There is a part of me, who doesn't like at all this cheerful-calm-up-everybody-everything-is-alright-let's-move-on-I-handle-it person, in other words - who just don't like at all a part of himself. This gloomy somebody wants to return to Sin City, which he belongs to/
Don't panic, this won't happen.
Sure it won't.
At last I read all the comics.
There is too much I'd like to tell about it, but I won't, 'cos anybody won't understand my very deep feeling about it anyway. Sounds bitchy, I know - like everything in Sin City.
I feel so good and so bad at the same time after reading.
Jesus-Mary-Holy Ghoust, I wanna be part of it.
I don't want this summer heat, I want cold rain, and night, and long black coat, and some dangerous work, all alone.
There is a part of me, who doesn't like at all this cheerful-calm-up-everybody-everything-is-alright-let's-move-on-I-handle-it person, in other words - who just don't like at all a part of himself. This gloomy somebody wants to return to Sin City, which he belongs to/
Don't panic, this won't happen.
Sure it won't.
Shouldn't what?)))
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